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I Heart America Quilt

You know how you really wanna share your work when you've done something that you're proud of... and your cat is just determined  to get in the way?  As a friend put it perfectly: "Cats are such jerks!" Even the fact that I'd put my background fabric in backwards (wrong side out) and that my quilting lines looked like the drunken meanderings of a beer-swilling camel couldn't dampen my delight in this little number.  I could see that I was going to be pleased with this piece almost from halfway through, and was so excited to share it with y'all! Even the binding came together perfectly from the original planning! But the Jerk in question was determined to be in on the action! I wouldn't let her sit on it while I was putting the binding on, but she made sure to climb on it while I was trying to SEW the binding on.  Jerk!  Beloved Jerk, to be sure, but still a jerk! 😃 This pattern is called "I Heart Am...

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